And the dance begins in earnest. It takes two to tango...
"Mommy, can't I play for just a little more?"
"No! You heard me. I said clean up your toys now."
Sally, putting on her mopey face, starts making a rather half-hearted effort at picking up her toys... very, very slowly... leaving some here and some there.
Mom's patience is now running very thin. Time for Mother to bring some real motivation to bear on the situation. In a raised and this-time-I-really-mean-it voice...
"Sally, if you want to play with your toys tomorrow, then listen to me now. Get moving and put those toys away this instant!"
A little more movement ever so grudgingly, as the half-hearted effort of Sally ramps up to about half-hearted-plus-one.
Mom now enters the living room again and, this time emptied of patience, personally points out each toy and telling the child, "Pick this up.. another one over here... that's not where it goes... you know where it goes... put it on the shelf...", etc...
The whole episode continues like this into the bathroom and bedroom until Mom, now angry at Sally for not obeying, has issued issued threats of a spanking... or actually has administered one along with oft-given and suitable mini-lecture about listening to Mommy. This is all accompanied by tears, I'm sorry's, and Mom feeling bad about the whole episode.
What just happened and why?
C'mon, you're the expert...let's hear it!
I'm no expert, in fact I daily live out the same sad circumstances as Sally's mom. But, here's what I've been preaching to myself lately: LESS TALK, MORE ACTION!
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